Leagues registration opens February 10

​Advanced, intermediate and recreational


We have adjusted our leagues to provide a better social, compatible, and yet competitive environment for all players.

Monday nights will have limited registration in both advanced and intermediate players.

 For our low intermediate players we have a Thursday evening league, and for our recreational, Tennis Xpress players, and 2.0 – 2.5 level players we will be running a Sunday Hackers evening league.
Our leagues are organized by a coach and include court fees, balls, administrative and coaching fees. 

We are introducing  a new format on both Monday and Thursday leagues. 

Switch partner doubles is a format where players rotate partners after each round of play. This format is designed to mix things up and ensure that players have the opportunity to team up with different partners and face various opponents throughout the session.


Participation in league

If you have not participated in one of our leagues before, to be eligible to register for any league 3.0 level and above, a skill level assessment is required. These are free, take about 15 minutes to complete, and can be booked by calling the center at 457.2382. One of our professional coaching staff will be doing the assessment. These assessments ensure players in our leagues have compatible skill levels to play with each other.
Players who register in a the wrong league for their level will be asked to move to another league, or a full                                refund will be given.

Monday Night 20 spots

Advanced Players 4.0 plus

Prerequisites: This league is for players who are 4.0 plus level. If you are unsure of your level please make an appointment to have your game assessed by calling 457.2382. Players not at this level will be withdrawn from the program and will receive a full refund. Included, is the court fee, a new can of balls each week, administration, and coach cost.

Thursday Night 12 spots

Intermediate Players 3.0 - 3.5

Perfect transition league for players who were in Sunday night league or players wanting to improve to move up to the Monday night advanced league. Your on court coach will give you tips on court positioning and tactics.

Sunday Hackers League 24 spots

Beginner Players 2.0 - 2.9

This is a fun interactive evening of tennis. Organized by a coach you will play, learn and have fun meeting new players.
Enjoy a cold one from Graystone Brewing

Definition of “hacker”

  • Lingo for a series of swings or shots by a player that appear to be luck more than skill.
  • The hacker or intermediate category, in fact, ranges all the way up to those presumptive souls who tried out for the school or club tennis team and didn’t make it. So there are a lot of us out there, maybe about 98.2 percent of all the people on a tennis court.
  • Hacker is a player whose clumsy strokes seem more accidental than intentional.
ProgramDayTimeBeginsEndsNo ClassPlayer CardNo PLayer Card# of classes
Advanced Competitive LeagueMonday7:00 - 9:00pmMar 10May 12Apr 21$1719
Intermendiate LeagueThursday6:00 - 7:30pmMar 13May 15$15010
Hackers Graystone League Sunday5:30 - 7:00pmMar 16May 11Apr 208

Registration opens February 10

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